Blockchain 101

Blockchain 101

Welcome to Blockchain technology — 101 series. Here, you will learn the following things.

Chapter-1: Introduction to blockchain Part 1

​ -What is blockchain?, Difference between blockchain and database, What blockchain is NOT? etc...

Chapter-2: Introduction to blockchain Part 2

​ -Programmatical things about blockchain like What is there inside a block?, and sample codes for how block can be formed, how difficulty is changed using nonce etc...

Chapter-3: Applications of blockchain

​ -Different usecases where we can use blockchain to solve many problems.

Chapter-4: Tools for blockchain Programmers

​ -Tools required to learn blockchain for developers like editors, testnets etc...

Chapter-5: Introduction to Bitcoin and Some practical things about bitcoin

​ - History of bitcoin, and mining process with sample code etc...

Chapter-6: Introduction to Decentralized Applications

​ -What is decentralized application, where you need dapps etc...

Chapter-7: Introduction to IPFS - Interplanetary file system

​ -What is IPFS?, What problems it can solve etc...

Chapter-8: Practical part about IPFS

​ -Installation of IPFS, experimenting with it etc...

Chapter-9: Introduction to Ethereum

​ -What is it?, Difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin, How and where you can use it etc...

Chapter-10: Developer requirements for Ethereum

​ -Tools required to start learning Ethereum and developing applications on it etc...

Chapter-11: Usecase on Ethereum

​ -Usecase where you can use Ethereum and how it can solve that problem?

Chapter-12: Introduction to Hyperledger

​ -What is it?,Difference between Ethereum and Hyperledger? etc...

Chapter-13: Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric

​ -What is it?, channels,CA's etc... and Difference between fabric and other Hyperledger frameworks...

Chapter-14: Developer requirements for Hyperledger fabric

​ -Tools required to start learning H.Fabric and developing applications on it etc...

Chapter -15: Usecase on Hyperledger Fabric

​ -Usecase where you can use Ethereum and how it can solve that problem?

Chapter-16: Introduction IOTA

​ -What is it?, Difference between IOTA and Ethereum and also between Tangle & Blockchain etc...

Chapter-17: Usecase on IOTA

​ -Usecase where you use IOTA(ex: to do machine-to-machine payments)


​ -Summary of all the things in above chapters and other information.